When people think of dry cleaning, they usually picture the typical plastic bag covering a freshly cleaned and pressed suit, or sharp dress shirts all hanging in a row. Make no mistake about it, dry cleaning is an absolute necessity for your formal and semi-formal clothing, if you want to keep it looking good and lasting for longer than a few months. The lifespans of clothing that touches your body directly is significantly shortened if it is not dry cleaned regularly. A white shirt will start to yellow around the collar and armpits from the moment you wear it the first time, and after only a few wearings without dry cleaning in between, you will see the oils from your skin permanently staining those areas. After a point, it cannot be removed any more even by the dry cleaning and bleaching processes, so they will have to be replaced. It is far better to dry clean your shirts after each wearing and dry clean your suits and dresses after every two wearings or so. This will keep your clothing lasting longer and looking good. But what about things that are not clothing?
A common question that is asked of dry cleaners regards sheets and bedspreads, comforters and drapes. These items are far too large to wash at home, and your washing machine would immediately give you an “unbalanced load” warning once they were soaked with water. Drapes are made of materials that will not respond well to water, and will probably be ruined in the cleaning process. Sheets and comforters may be made from materials that can be washed with water, but are far too large to effectively clean at home. Dry cleaners often get asked if they have a service to clean these types of items, and how often you should do it.
Drapes hang in the same place for months on end, and collect dust and dirt that circulates through windows and around your home. They will begin to look dirty and dingy after only a month or so, and if there are smokers in the house it will be far quicker than that. We would recommend dry cleaning your drapes at least every two months in order to keep them looking fresh and clean, and so they do not contribute to a musty smell in your home.
Sheets come in direct contact with your body, and the oils and sweat that your body produces. Sheets will begin to get dirty and greasy looking after about a week of sleeping in the same area every night, and should be switched out for fresh ones. Dry clean your sheets after about 7 days of use, and if it is summertime and you sweat while you are sleeping, you may want to dry clean them even more often. Dry cleaning your sheets will also help with allergies.
Comforters and bed spreads have less direct contact with your body, but do have contact throughout the night. They also get covered in dust during the day because of the large, flat area that they cover. Keep your comforters and bedpreads fresh and smelling good by dry cleaning them at least once a month.
Complete Cleaners is your Las Vegas dry cleaning source. Contact us today to arrange free pickup and delivery.